On the opening page are two photos of Chon as a six month old baby when we were living in Queensbury, Edgeware, London in 1964
Second page on right hand side at the bottom is a photo of Chon wrapped in a shawl less than an hour old June 19th 1964.
Third. Photo is of her at approximately one and a half years old 1965 sitting in a chair and crying with her favourite "Manthy" ragdoll.
4. with me outside our masionette in Edgeware at approx three months old.
5. on her first Christmas Day at six months old and then having a little milk refreshment.
6. Chon now more subdued on the chair with 'Manthy' her favourite toy ragdoll made by my mother.
7. Approximately 1-2 years outside my family home with 'Quacky' her soft toy duck.
8. Chon on her Raleigh Little Trike on her second birthday in our bungalow garden in Alsager.
9 & 10. Chon on holiday at Black Rock Sands, Porthmadoc wearing my youngest brother's cast-off yellow towelling short dungarees. We used to go up in the caravan on my parents plot of land there for the several weeks in the summer.
11. Chon having collected the blackberries from the hedges around my parents plot of land at Black Rock for our dessert.
12. Chon in the sea at Black Rock Sands.
13 x 2. Chon as the smallest bridesmaid at my eldest brother's wedding.
14. Chon at Christmas. Please note that I drew, cut out and spay painted the reindeer (and red sleigh that you can't see) in the early hours of Christmas Day as when I came to put out her presents from Father Christmas there didn't look to be many as her main presents were a watch and Parker fountain pen so had to bulk it up a little. I then put her Jemima rag doll (that she had asked for) on the sleigh and holding the reins with the presents besides her. This became a Christmas family tradition so over the next few Christmases we had to have the sleigh, Jemima and the reindeer out on show.
15. One of my only photos of Zippadeedoodah (Zip, Zippy for short and Zipmop because she swept up and gathered all the surrounding dirt and debris in her fur coat) that I still have. I gave her to Chon on her seventh Christmas Day and she remained with us for the next thirteen years.
16 & 17. Chon out riding one of the riding school ponies ("Cessie") in Scotland
18. Chon on another holiday over looking the harbour at Porthmadoc.
19. Chon just before taking one iof her ballet exams.
20. Chon being one of the rats in her ballet school's Nutcracer Suit performances given in aid of a charity.
21. Chon tap dancing to Rain drops keep falling on my head' for the same show. (Hence the sequins on her hat to represent rain drops!)
22. Chon in her new Brownie uniform and tent. Two birthday presents.
23. Big jump here with her standing by the Ferrai that we rented whilst on holiday in Jersey.
24. Chon in the hotel grounds still in Jersey.
25. Chon at six months (and me) in 1964.
Hoping that this helps you to understand some of the Youtube photos.