1960s slate-eyed, pale skinned Gotz mohair re-root by Bettina wearing a Pinestreetstudio outfit, Trendon tights and manufactured shoes.
1960s slate-eyed wearing a Sashadollstyle duffle coat and Ruthsdolls dungarees, blouse and shoes.
1960s brown/grey crude-eye Gotz wearing a Pinestreetstudio outfit abd JJ shoes walking a Steiff Terrier dog.
1960s yellow-eyed Gotz wearing a Karensyarn dress, doll secret tights and manufactured shoes.
Please brush your hair away from your face.
1960s yellow crude-eyed Gotz wearing a Ruthsdolls OOAK outfit and manufactured shoes.
1960s slate eyed Gotz wearing a Doll Works coat, Pinestreetstudio beret, Trendon tights and manufactured shoes.
1971 wide faced Gingham wearing a Sashadollstyle outfit and Ruthsdolls shoes.
1990s Gotz Modern Stella customised by Kelly Wenarsky and wearing a Doll Works pinafore and socks, Betsy-May cardigan,Jackie Hyatt blouse and JJ shoes.
1967 Dungaree NP with beautiful eyes (but damaged lips) wearing a Ruthsdolls OOAK complete outfit.