This doll has really lovely eye painting.
1967 Dungaree NP wearing a Pinestreetstudio outfit and Ruthsdolls shoes.
This doll has a really wide eyed unique look about her and the most beautiful silky, soft curly hair.
1967 Ballet NP seen here dressed in a Sashadollstyle duffle coat outfit and Ruthsdolls shoes. This was one of my first NPs and came in the full Black Watch Tartan ballet outfit.
These superb duffle coats are my very favourite of Nikki's clothing.
1966 blonde Jeans NP wearing a blue version of Sashadollstyle famous duffle coat range and JJ shoes.
This is the Sasha Doll that I think looks most like my daughter so she has been named Sasha-Chon.
1966 Dungaree NP seen here in a Betsy-May outfit. The dress is made from a woollen Viyella material and has the most gorgeous luxurious feel to it.
1969/70 baby Woollie dressed warmly and colourfully ready for the Christmas season in a Sashawardrobe little fleece jacket and Dollworks tights.
Close up showing the quirky eyebrow and his little chubby cheeks, not to mention his uncontrollable hair.
1970/1 baby boy nightdress looking delightfully cuddly in his Sashawardrobe fleece and Ruthsdolls knitted tights.
Scarey, I do wish that you would sit properly on your trike! One of these days you are going to fall off and hurt yourself.
These little fleeces are my favourite of all the Sashawardrobe items.