She actually remained like this for quite a few years whilst I gathered the courage to cut the rest of her hair off. She normally wears one of my many Monique Peggy-Sue wigs in the various colours but today she has on a real hair Monique wig in the Kimberly style.
Ive made the wig to look slightly windblown whilst she is walking her Steiff Fox Terrier dog, Foxy.
Her outfit today, a 'gifted' handknitted by Rosie Shortell Guernsy style jumper over a Pinestreetstudio skirt and scarf with manufactured socks and Ruthsdoll's distressed boots, is usually seen on my 1967 re-rooted NP but I'm trying to ring a few changes (so as not to bore you with the same repeated look) not having bought many new outfits just recently (apart from Dollydoodle's leisure wear.)