Dawn Law, the festival organiser, has asked me to publish this email and information on the 2012 UK Sasha Festival until the festival website is up and running.
30th Anniversary, Sasha Festival 21 - 24 June 2012 to be held here in the UK.
Owing to the Olympic Games and the Queen's Diamond Jubilee there will be a large number of overseas visitors next June, and hotel rooms in England are filling up fast. I have been contacted by our Hotel, The Grosvenor, about our likely demand for rooms, as some Hotels in Stratford upon Avon (one of England's top tourist towns) are already full.
I had provisionally booked 40+ rooms, at the Hotel and more could be made available if we act quickly. There are only about 70 rooms in this hotel. However, owing to demand they cannot hold them for very long.
In order to secure a room here for the Festival, it is advisable to book NOW.
I have negotiated the following prices:-
Thursday, 21 and 22 June 2012 - Double room with breakfast £99 (this is for 2 people, not per head).
Saturday, 23 June 2012 - (price is £20 lower than Best Western's fixed rate for Saturday nights) Double room £140.(for 2 people, not per head).
Sunday, 24th June 2012 - (for anyone staying over) Double room with breakfast £79 (for 2 people).
If you need accommodation at The Grosvenor, you can contact the Hotel on (tel) 01789 269213, (fax) 01789 266087, (email) res@bwgh.co.uk Website address is www.bwgh.co.uk . They will need a £50 deposit at time of booking.
If you are planning to stay at other hotels in England during your visit, I suggest you contact them now as rooms in London, particularly, are becoming scarce.
In view of the urgency to book rooms, we shall have to change our proposed registration system. Please let me know if you are planning to come to the Festival and have booked your room a.s.a.p. my email address is dawn.law@virgin.net , and I will put you on the list, and also let me know if you wish to come but will not be staying at the hotel.
I will then be able to send out registration forms which you can return to me.
The cost of our Festival will be £150 per person, and we are limited to 100 full participants (meals only may be possible, depending on numbers - cost later). The fee will include three meals, 1 x dinner, 1 x lunch and 1 x brunch., and includes 1 outing.
Confirmation and payment will be required by 1st September 2011. Paypal details later.
If you need further information, please contact me.
The website will be available very soon.