Friday 22 April 2011

My Dollydoodle's birthday presents.

Heralding a new Dollydoodle prototype. Judith has so very kindly given me this 'oh-so-smart-and-trendy' Gregor Summer outfit and the colouring so suits Matt, my 1968 Gregor Sports lad, that Fritz for once didn't even get a look in to claiming it first. A million thanks Judith from both me and my Gregors who just adore your leisure wear and who can never seem to get enough of it.

I see that you haven't found your special jam-jar to put your tadpoles in yet? Wasn't it with your fishing net? Give me a minute or two and I'll come and help you find it.

As well as Matt's fantastic outfit Judith also included this delightful little set especially for Little Stevie, my Trendon birthday baby from Steve. Doesn't he look just adorable in it? Yet more thanks Judith heading your way.

Can I ask you why have you got THREE Lindt bunnies? Oh, one is for Quirky and the other for Scary as they are now your best friends.

You're a very kind and thoughtful little boy, obviously taking after Steve.


  1. Lovely outfits from Judith, very smart indeed.

  2. Big Steve is the best role model any little boy or girl could have I think personally.
    What a great dad he is.
    Such a good friend too.
    These pics are really lovely Kendal and I hope he found his tiddler jar! xx
