Friday, 24 December 2010

Living room decorations and tree.

Need to sort out these tree photos when I have more time and when the sun isn't streaming throught the window but tried to quickly take a few with Chon's presents underneath (as knowing her, they will have all been opened when I next come to take some more.) Also plan to take some at night when the little buds are lit up.

Gifts for my Godchild and two teenage friends.

Please note that on the two on the left I have added the ribbons etc. to the back where the label is instead of on the front. Hopefully will rectify this as they are not being given until Monday.

Victorian Kissing Bunch welcomes family and friends

The Victorians began many of our Christmas Traditions, especially the Christmas Tree, the mistletoe kissing bunch and card sending.
They decorated their homes, especially the doors, windows and fireplace mantels with greenery such as Holly and Mistletoe, which are said to be magical plants and evergreen boughs.

Tuesday, 21 December 2010

Finally wrapped my daughter's presents. Another box ticked!

Slowly but surely getting there. Cards nearly completed. (Apologies to any friends who don't get theirs BEFORE THE day.)
Have chosen this wrapping paper for her in the gold and black to hopefully compliment my 'decorated in gold' indoor/outdoor twig tree which has little buds that light up, that she gave me a few years ago for when a real Nordmann Spruce became too much for me to handle (like unfortunately this year.)
(Will hopefully photograph it on the next spare minute.)

Sunday, 19 December 2010

Setting up the Crib.

Fritz offers to put the stable up. Firstly he joins the roof slates together.

Then slides in the two side pieces.

...and finally stands it up. Thanks and well done Fritz.

Girls, you have put a shepherd in by Mary instead of Joseph so let's go back to the beginning again with just the stable.

Bea, keep the star for the moment as we are going to start again, putting the pieces in one by one.

Hold onto the ox while we take out Joseph, Mary and baby Jesus and then you can put him in.

Anis put Mary's donkey back into the crib scene for the moment.
We need him in there.

Right now Quirky we are ready to stand Joseph back in.

That's a good start so far.

Now Mary can go by Joseph's side.

Time for baby Jesus to be born and placed in the manger for a crib.

Well done, Scary.You are really helpful, more than I can say for Anis.

Now we need the angel to go over the stable.

Only a very gentle little touch then please.

Some shepherds were watching over their sheep in nearby fields....when a bright light shone upon them. It was an angel who told them to go to Bethlehem where a Saviour had been born.

Then the sky was filled with angels praising God.

The shepherds arriving at the stable in Bethlehem.

You're a little late bringing in the other lamb aren't you. Oh it's your gift to baby Jesus.

That was a lovely thought. Good boy.

News of the birth of a Saviour reached three Kings in the east and they set out on swift running camels to find the baby.

The Three Wise Men arrive at the stable.

Bea exchanging the guiding Star for an Angel now that the Wise Men have arrived

They bought gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.

Mary and Joseph waving goodbye to the Shepherds and Kings.

The End.