Wednesday 29 December 2010

Some of my Christmas Gifts from my Sasha Friends.

(Shall be continuing this after my daughter has left here to go back home as not seeing her that often {due to the fact that she lives down in the south of the UK} I'm enjoying spending the time with her.)
A very pretty little Vintage Sasha coat set from my friend Steve modelled here on a lovely wide faced Trendon 1969/70 girl.

Trying on my commercially made matching coloured shoes and Dayzees socks.

I am planning to find one of my pink coloured JJ sandals from my summer shoes box in the next day or two as I feel sure that that particular pair is made in an identical colour.

Seen here with superb handknitted ribbed socks by and from Ruth Hartley.

Also planning to try it with some white tights.

Not sure just what I have done to deserve this but also had this wonderful studio style length Sashawardrobe smocked dress from Steve too, seen here on my first, and still one of my favourite 1960s Gotz slate eyed waif in a Peggy-Sue wig.

An absolutely delightful little tweed coat and hat plus footwear from Sarah W of Vintage Sasha seen here on my Frido 'somewhat minty' 1968/69 brunette Sasha.

Due to the melting, slushy snow underfoot I have swapped the dainty bar shoes for more sturdy Ruthsdoll's boots to prevent her from slipping or ruining them when she walks her Fox Terrier pet.

Sunday 26 December 2010

Sasha-Noelle arrives here for Christmas, as a present 'from me to me!'

She is a 1966 Developemental Dungaree NP and is absolutely gorgeous. Aren't I a lucky girl?

Additional Tree Photos.

Tree lit up.

Tree without the sunlight shining on it and presents still intact.

Close up,of the tree baubles.

The dog's Christmas stockings.

Friday 24 December 2010

Living room decorations and tree.

Need to sort out these tree photos when I have more time and when the sun isn't streaming throught the window but tried to quickly take a few with Chon's presents underneath (as knowing her, they will have all been opened when I next come to take some more.) Also plan to take some at night when the little buds are lit up.

Gifts for my Godchild and two teenage friends.

Please note that on the two on the left I have added the ribbons etc. to the back where the label is instead of on the front. Hopefully will rectify this as they are not being given until Monday.

Victorian Kissing Bunch welcomes family and friends

The Victorians began many of our Christmas Traditions, especially the Christmas Tree, the mistletoe kissing bunch and card sending.
They decorated their homes, especially the doors, windows and fireplace mantels with greenery such as Holly and Mistletoe, which are said to be magical plants and evergreen boughs.

Tuesday 21 December 2010

Finally wrapped my daughter's presents. Another box ticked!

Slowly but surely getting there. Cards nearly completed. (Apologies to any friends who don't get theirs BEFORE THE day.)
Have chosen this wrapping paper for her in the gold and black to hopefully compliment my 'decorated in gold' indoor/outdoor twig tree which has little buds that light up, that she gave me a few years ago for when a real Nordmann Spruce became too much for me to handle (like unfortunately this year.)
(Will hopefully photograph it on the next spare minute.)