Saturday, 5 September 2009
My Sasha girls again.(S)
1971 Gingham girl wearing a Pinestreet studio outfit and sandals by Jean Jenson.
1971 Brown Cord girl, Tabitha, customised by Shelly wearing an outfit by Jackie Hyatt
1971 wide faced girl wearing a N.Gould outfit and Lisa Hartley folk art shoes.
1970/71 Trendon brunette wearing a manufactured Tommy Hilfiger outfit, Jean Jensons sandals and Trendon socks.
1972 Trendon waif with cut fringe wearing a Daisy,daisy dress and sandals by Lisa Hartley.
Back again to the girls. (T)
1967 NP Gingham wearing the Pinestreetstudio dress but without the accompanying hat.
New 1967 NP not yet home clothed.
1960s Gotz slate eyed waif now wigged with a Monique Peggy-Sue in frosted strawberry blonde and wearing a Ruthsdolls outfit.
1969 Gregor wigged with a cut Monique Peggy-Sue and wearing a Pinestreet studio skirt with a Ruthsdolls blouse and Jean Jenson's sandals and manufactured socks from Sashawardrobe.
1967 Gingham NP wearing a Pinestreetstudio outfit and manufactured Dollfie school shoes.
1960s Gotz yellow eyed wearing a dress by Jill Mackley and Jean Jenson's sandals and socks.
1973/4 Puddle eyed girl wearing a Pinestreetstudio outfit, Jean Jenson sandals and Trendon socks.Fishing net by Andrea Jaques.
1967 Dungaree NP wearing a Ruthsdolls dress and Jean Jenson sandals and manufactured socks.
Thursday, 3 September 2009
My three Gregor Lads nipping in and breaking up the far too many Sasha photos! Bless them they do have a hard time amongst all these girls.
1969 Tredon Gregor Denims wearing a Beverley Schacht top, shorts (not sure) and manufactured trainers.
1990s Gotz Alberto wearing a Randel Keller shirt, Vintage-Sasha dungarees and Rosie Bloomfield sandals.
1971 Gregor wearing N.Gould shorts, 1990s Gotz T shirt and Tommy Hilfiger jacket and manufactured trainers. (He has an identical twin sister.)
Tuesday, 1 September 2009
My Sasha Girls. (U)
1990 Gotz Modern Stella customised by Kelly Wenarski wearing a Jill Mackley dress and Jean Jenson sandals.
1966 NP Ballet wearing a Ruthsdolls OOAK outfit.
1960 Gotz slate eyed girl wearing a Betsy-May culotte outfit and Dollfie school shoes.
1966 NP waif wearing a Jill Mackley dress, an unknown knitted cardigan and Jean Jenson sandals.(This doll looks just like my daughter.)
1966 NP Dungaree girl wearing a Jill Mackley dress and Dollfie school shoes.
1960 Gotz yellow eyed girl with re-rooted fringe and wearing a Sashawardrobe dress and Rosie Bloom shoes.
My Sasha Girls. (V)
1960s Gotz pale skinned slate eyed girl, re-rooted by Bettina in mohair and wearing a Jill Mackley dress and Dollfie school shoes.
1969 Gingham girl wearing a Ruthsdolls dress and Jean Jenson sandals.
Belle,1970 customised by Shelly doll with a now discontinued Global Cossette wig, wearing a Pinestreetstudio dungaree outfit and Jean Jenson sandals.
1060s Gotz waif wearing an outfit by N.Gould and shoes by Jean Jenson.
1960s Gotz wearing a Betsy-May dress and Monique Baby Heart shoes.
1966 NP reroot by Lisa Hartley wearing a dress by Jill Mackley, cardigan knitted by Kate Smith and shoes by Lisa.
1970 customised doll by Shelly wearing a Monique wig, a dress by Jill Mackley and sandals by Jean Jenson.
1990s Gotz Maria wearing a OOAK dress by Ruthsdolls and shoes and socks by Jean Jenson.
1969 Single Fringe girl wearing a Ruthsdolls complete outfit.